Tayo Otubanjo
Brief info
Prof. Tayo Otubanjo, leads full time and executive MBA sessions in Marketing at Lagos Business School. He was until recently a Visiting Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management, New Haven.
Prof. Otubanjo pursued his PhD in Marketing with a focus on corporate ‘brand’ identity management at The University of Hull (UK) and Brunel University London where he was highly instrumental to the development of the first MSc degree programme in Corporate Brand Management in the UK.
Generally, his research takes a social constructionist epistemological approach to the meaning, planning, and management of corporate branding, corporate identity, corporate communications, corporate reputation and corporate marketing.
Prof. Otubanjo’s work has appeared in numerous ABS quoted journals of note including Academy of Marketing Science Review; Tourist Studies; Management Decisions; The Marketing Review, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Corporate Reputation Review, Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Tayo has presented articles at The University of Cambridge, Royal Holloway College of The University of London, University of Birmingham, University of Southampton, Herriot Watt University, University of Brighton, London Metropolitan University, University of Salerno (Italy), and St. Gallen University (Switzerland).
Prof. Otubanjo has also spoken at conferences hosted by a number of American universities including The University of Southern California, University of South Carolina, City University of New York, and Drexel University in Philadelphia, just to mention a few.
His class facilitation philosophy is rooted in the use of practical realities of the business environment as an important means of explicating complex business theories. He believes in finding the right balance in the classroom between what might be called the demands of realism and the need to understand complex business theories.
Essentially, he views his facilitation task as an attempt to both prepare students for the sometimes-harsh realities of professional life as marketing practitioners, while at the same time ensuring that whatever natural inclinations they might have to the nobler purposes of marketing or business are encouraged. He believes in interactivity and therefore, strives for interactive involvement and participation of students.
Previously, Prof. Otubanjo served Lagos Business School in the capacity of Research Director, during which he had the opportunity to develop a research strategy themed “Applied research for solving institutional business problems in Africa” to guide faculty research focus.
He is currently the Lead Faculty in charge of the LBS Management Scholars’ Academy, composed of elite research assistants who serve the school for a couple of years and then proceed to pursue fully-funded PhD programs in business studies in US, UK, and continental Europe.
Tayo was a Visiting Research Fellow at The Warwick Business School, University of Warwick and was invited to occupy a similar position at Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University. These appointments were made, given his epistemological mindset on corporate marketing issues.
Prof. Otubanjo has supervised and supervises MPhil, PhD and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) theses in his areas of research focus at Lagos Business School. He is willing to take on more doctoral students. He served as an external examiner to the MPhil Marketing and PhD Marketing programs at the University of Ghana Business School, Legon.
Prof. Otubanjo has supervised and supervises MPhil and PhD theses in his areas of research focus at the Lagos Business School. He is willing to take on more doctoral students. He serves as an external examiner to the MPhil Marketing and PhD Marketing programs at the University of Ghana Business School, Legon.
He is an alumnus of the Prestigious IESE Business School, Barcelona Spain where he received an international faculty development education which equipped him with case delivery skills. He also attended Wharton Business School Global Faculty Development Program.
Prof. Otubanjo offers Strategic Marketing and Brand Management advisory services to numerous firms. Past and current clients include Galaxy Backbone, First Bank Plc, FCMB Plc, Keystone Bank Plc, AXA Mansard, Alpha Morgan Capital, Sujimoto Construction, Chams Plc, Cellulant, Top Crust, Superflux, MBC Financial Services Group, Oral B, Consolidated Discount House among others.
In the course of working for CMCConnect BCW and CentrespreadGrey, Prof. Otubanjo carried out brand strategy assignments for national and multinational institutions of note. Some of these include Skye Bank, Wema Bank, Zenith Bank, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Fanta Blackcurrant, Microsoft, and UPS. Others were SAP, Accenture, HiTV, MoneyGram, Kakawa Discount House, SC Johnson, Edo State Board of Internal Revenue (ESBIR), Mass Power Plc, Emirates Airline, Emzor Pharmaceuticals.
He is an Independent Non-Executive Director on the board of Alpha Morgan Capital Managers. He also sits on the advisory board of Axiom Learning Solutions Ltd, a foremost learning development firm in Nigeria.