Ogechi Adeola
Sales Marketing
Brief info
Prof. Ogechi Adeola is a Professor of Marketing and the Head of Department of Operations, Marketing, and Information Systems at the Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria. She started her career at Citibank Nigeria and spent approximately 14 years in the nation’s financial sector, during which she garnered experience in marketing strategy, product development, sales and marketing, customer service, and retail credit risk management. In the course of her banking career in different banks, she handled bank-wide responsibilities as Head of Private Banking, Consumer and Retail Banking, Product Development and Management, and Customer Service. Adeola holds a doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) from Manchester Business School, an MBA from the same institution, and a law degree from the University of Nigeria. She has attended management and teaching courses at Cranfield School of Management, UK; the Flexcube Centre of Learning, Mumbai, India; Gordon School of Business Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa; Phoenix Educational Institute, Dubai, and the International Faculty Programme (IFP), IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
Adeola is a 2016 Visiting International Fellow at the Open University Business School, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, and a 2017 Paul. R. Lawrence Fellow, USA. She has co-authored four academic books, edited/co-edited over 15 others, and published academic papers in top scholarly journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Psychology and Marketing, and International Marketing Review. Her co-authored papers won Best Paper Awards at international conferences in 2016-2019, consecutively, and the prestigious Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper in 2022.
She has been a guest speaker, keynote speaker and discussant at local and international conferences featuring top-rated companies and organisations, including the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) business clinic, the West African Power Industry Convention (WAPIC), Yale Africa-China Conference held in Lagos, World Bank-sponsored Freedom Forum on women in tourism event in Sierra Leone, and e-commerce webinar organised by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Nigeria & South Africa, amongst others. She has taught marketing sessions at the Women Entrepreneurship & Leadership for Africa (WELA) program of the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), held in Lagos, and the MSc. program at the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) and the PhD program at the University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA). She is also an External Moderator (MBA Program) at the University of Free State Business School, South Africa, and an External Examiner (PhD program) at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST), Ghana, and Strathmore University, Kenya. Additionally, she served as an expert-in-residence in a business advisory clinic for Goldman Sachs scholars at the Enterprise Development Centre, Pan-Atlantic University.
Adeola’s extensive consultancy experience spans continents, providing strategic marketing, brand management, intra-regional advisory, and gender equity services to numerous organisations. As part of the Alpha Team at the Centre for Global Enterprise (CGE) in the USA, Adeola has provided virtual consultancy services to top companies including London Taxi Company in the UK in 2015, the Texas Capital Bank in the USA in 2018, and Dusit International (Dusit Thani) in Thailand in 2021. Adeola is also a Consultant for Afreximbank, focusing on the African Sub-Sovereign Governments Network (AfSNET) Initiative. With a keen interest in women’s empowerment, Adeola served as the National Consultant for the International Labour Organization (ILO) from June to November 2022, working on a project aimed at promoting women’s economic empowerment in Nigeria. She has also coached utility companies in Liberia and Ghana under the USAID Engendering Industries Workforce Accelerated Program, focusing on improving gender equality and increasing economic opportunities for women in male-dominated industries. Furthermore, she provided consulting services to the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), University of Pretoria, on the 2022 ‘Building Africa Report’ focused on women’s inclusion in the Cement, Concrete & Construction (CCC) industry.
Adeola serves as the Associate Dean of Business Administration at the University of the People, an accredited online tuition-free institution headquartered in California, USA. She is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Cornerstone Insurance Plc, Nigeria, and a member of the Governing Board of the University of Kigali in Rwanda. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Management, Nigeria, and the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria. She is the founder of the Digital Business Tutelage for Women Empowerment in Africa Initiative (DBTWEAi), a platform designed to enable young African women to unlock their potential.
Articles in Academic/Professional Journals: Mogaji, E., Adeola, O., Hinson, R., Nguyen, N. P., Nwoba, A. C., & Soetan, T. Marketing bank services to financially vulnerable customers: Evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-07-2020
Gyimah, P., & Adeola, O. (2021). MSMEs sustainable prediction model: A three-sector comparative study. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 1-11.
Okafor, L. E., Adeola, O., & Folarin, O. (2020). Natural Disasters, Geography, and International Tourism. In Economic Effects of Natural Disasters (pp. 55-76). Academic Press.
Kimbu, A. N., de Jong, A., Adam, I., Ribeiro, M. A., Afenyo-Agbe, E., Adeola, O., & Figueroa-Domecq, C. (2021). Recontextualising gender in entrepreneurial leadership. Annals of Tourism Research, 88, 103176.
Adeola, O., Gyimah, P., Appiah, K. O., & Lussier, R. N. (2021). Can critical success factors of small businesses in emerging markets advance UN Sustainable Development Goals? World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.
Adeola, O., Boso, N., Osabutey, E. L., & Evans, O. (2020). Foreign Direct Investment and Tourism Development in Africa. Tourism Analysis, 25(4), 395-408.
Adeola, O., & Evans, O. (2020). ICT, infrastructure, and tourism development in Africa. Tourism Economics, 26(1), 97-114.
Kosiba, J. P., Acheampong, A., Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). The moderating role of demographic variables on customer expectations in airport retail patronage intentions of travellers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102033.
Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Amankwah-Amoah, J., & Adomako, S. (2020). Multinational Enterprises’ Subsidiary Initiative-Taking: A Model for Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility. International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy.
Ejiogu, A., Okechukwu, O., Ejiogu, C., Owusu, A., & Adeola, O. Determinants of Informal Entrepreneurship in Africa. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, In-Press.
Ocran, A.V., Adeola, O, Achi A & Hinson R.E. International students as tourists: exploring impressions of Ghana’s destination image. European Journal of International Management. In Press.
Kimbu, A. N., Ngoasong, M. Z., Adeola, O., & Afenyo-Agbe, E. (2019). Collaborative networks for sustainable human capital management in women’s tourism entrepreneurship: The role of tourism policy. Tourism Planning & Development, 16(2), 161-178.
Adeola, D., & Adeola, O. (2019). The Extractive Sector and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case of Chevron Nigeria. Communicatio, 1-25.
Adeola Oand Evans, O (2019). Digital Tourism: Mobile Phones, Internet and Tourism in Africa, Tourism Recreation Research, 1-13.
Adeola O and Evans, O (2018). Digital Health: ICT and Health in Africa, Actual Problems of Economics, 8, 69-83.
Idemudia E. C., Adeola. O., & Achebo. N., (2019) The online educational model and drivers for online learning. International Journal of Business Information Systems.32,( 2), 219-237.
Idemudia, E. C., Raisinghani, M. S., Adeola, O., and Wang, F. (2019).Empirical Investigation of Factors that Influence Website Performance. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction. 17(4).
Adegbile, O., Adeola O, & Shahin, A (2018). The Effect of Export Market-Oriented Culture on Export Performance: Evidence from a Sub-Saharan African Economy. International Marketing Review, Vol. 35 Issue: 4, pp.637-660.
Adeola, O., Boso, N., & Evans, O. (2018). Drivers of international tourism demand in Africa. Business Economics, 53(1), 25-36.
Oppong, E., Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Muritala, O., & Kosiba, J. P. (2018). The effect of mobile health service quality on user satisfaction and continual usage. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-22.
Ehira D & Adeola O, (2018) Application of Social Media Marketing to the promotion of international tourism. NIMN Journal of Marketing. Vol 1. No. 1 (June 2018)
Adeola, O. (2018). InsurTech and the Nigerian Insurance Industry’ Lead Article. Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria Journal. Vol 17. No. 3
Idemudia, E, C, Adeola O & Achebo, N. The online educational model and drivers for online learning. Int. J. Business Information Systems. [In press]
Boso, N., Adeola O., Danso, A., & Assadinia, S. (2017). The effect of export marketing capabilities on export performance: Moderating role of dysfunctional competition. Industrial Marketing Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.09.006
Boso, N., Donbesuur, F., Bendega, T., Annan, J., & Adeola, O. (2017). Does organizational creativity always drive market performance? Psychology & Marketing, 34(11), 1004-1015.
Boso, N., Danso, A., Leonidou, C., Uddin, M., Adeola, O., & Hultman, M. (2017). Does financial resource slack drive sustainability expenditure in developing economy small and medium-sized enterprises? Journal of Business Research, 80, 247-256.
Adeola, O. (2016). The impact of macroeconomic conditions on sales performance in Nigeria. The Journal of Developing Areas. 50(6), 31-41.
Cadogan, J. W., Boso, N., Story, V. M., & Adeola, O. (2016). Export strategic orientation–performance relationship: Examination of its enabling and disenabling boundary conditions. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5046-5052.
Zulu-Chisanga, S, Boso N, Adeola O. & Oghazi P (2016). Investigating the Path from Firm Innovativeness to Financial Performance: The Roles of New Product Success, Market Responsiveness, and Environment Turbulence. Journal of Small Business Strategy. Vol 26, No 1 (2016): Special Issue
Adeola, O & Evans, O (2017). Financial Inclusion, Financial Development and Economic Diversification in Nigeria. The Journal of Developing Areas 51(4), 193-206
Adeola, O& Evans, O (2017). The Impact of Microfinance on Financial Inclusion in Nigeria. The Journal of Developing Areas 51(4), 193-206
Adeola, O., & Ikpesu, F. (2017). Macroeconomic Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(2), 31-43.
Adeola, O. (2016). Human Capital Development in the Hospitality Industry in Nigeria, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. Vol:8, Issue: 2
Adeola, O & Ezenwafor, K (2016). The Hospitality Business in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. Vol:8, Issue:2
Adeola, O. & Ikpesu, F. (2016). An empirical investigation of the impact of bank lending on agricultural output in Nigeria: A vector autoregressive (VAR) approach. The Journal of Developing Areas. 50(6), 89 – 103.
Books: Adeola, O. (Eds.) (2020) Empowering African Women for Sustainable Development – Toward the U.N.’s Sustainable Development, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola, O. (Eds.) (2020) Indigenous African Enterprise. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Limbu, Y. B., & Mogaji, E. (2020). Marketing in Healthcare-related Industries. IAP.
Hinson, R., Adeola, O., Lituchy T. & Amartey A. F. O. (Eds.). (2020). Customer Service Management in Africa: A Strategic and Operational Perspective (1st Ed.) CRC Press
Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., Nkrumah, K. O., Agyinasare, C., Adom, K., & Amartey, A. F. O. (2019). Customer Service Essentials: Lessons for Africa and Beyond. IAP, USA
Hinson, R., Osei-Frimpong, K., Adeola, O., & Aziato, L. (Eds.). (2019). Health Service Marketing Management in Africa. CRC Press. Routledge: Taylor & Francis
Hinson, R. E., Adeola, O., & Amartey, A. F. O. (2018). Sales Management: A Primer for Frontier Markets. IAP, USA
Forthcoming Books: Hinson, R. E, Adeola, O & Adisa, I. Green Marketing and Management in Emerging Markets, The Crucial Role of People Management in Successful Implementation. Palgrave Macmillian (Forthcoming, 2021)
Adeola O, Hinson R. E & Sakkhivel, A.M, Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Markets: A Contemporary Perspective. Palgrave Macmillian (Forthcoming, 2021)
Adeola O, Edeh, J.N, Hinson, R.E, Fulufhelo N.Digital Service Delivery – A Plaformisation Perspective. Palgrave Macmillian (Forthcoming, 2021)
Ngoasong M. Z, Adeola, O., Kimbu A. N. & Hinson, R. E., New Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa”, Springer, Cham, Switzerland (Forthcoming, 2021)
Owusu R. Oguji N. Adeola, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2020), Business-to-Business Marketing in Africa: Building Relationships, Customer Loyalty, and Successful Brands in the Emerging Economy, CRC Press (Forthcoming 2021)
Book Chapters: Adeola, O., Muogboh, O. S., & Fatoki, J. (2020). Using Quelch’s Tools to Explore and Put Dual Marketing into Practice: Benefits, Opportunities and Risks. In Beyond Multi-channel Marketing. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Olomo, O., Mokwenyei, K., Otubanjo, O., & Adeola, O. (2020). Place, Branding, And Smart Growth. Sustainable Branding: Ethical, Social, and Environmental Cases and Perspectives. Routledge.
Achi, A., Adeola, O., & Burgal, O. (2020). Let’s Go Green. Planet, People, Product, Packaging, Pricing and Promotion (6Ps). Sustainable Branding: Ethical, Social, and Environmental Cases and Perspectives. Routledge.
Adeola, O. (2020). Introduction: Empowering African Women–Towards Achieving the U.N.’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In Empowering African Women for Sustainable Development (pp. 1-10). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola, O., Eigbe, O., & Muritala, O. (2020). Drivers and opportunities in Nigeria’s tourism industry. Routledge Handbook of Tourism in Africa, 265.
Afenyo-Agbe, E. A., & Adeola, O. (2020). Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Through Tourism in Africa: Towards Agenda 2030. In Empowering African Women for Sustainable Development (pp. 121-132). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola, O. (2020). The Digital Gender Divide and Women’s Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Achieving the U.N.’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In Empowering African Women for Sustainable Development (pp. 145-156). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Okafor, V., Adeola, O., & Ituma, A. (2020). Indigenous Business Incubators: A Focus on the Akwete Weaving Industry. In Indigenous African Enterprise. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Adeola, O.(2020). Positioning African Women for the United Nation’s 2030 Goals: A Way Forward. In Empowering African Women for Sustainable Development (pp. 157-167). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola, O., Uzo, U., & Adewusi, A. (2020). Indigenous Financial Practices of Igbo Micro-entrepreneurs in Lagos. In Indigenous African Enterprise. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Adeola, O. (2020). The Igbo Business Practice: Towards a Model for Africa Conclusion and Recommendations. In Indigenous African Enterprise. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Farinloye, T., Adeola, O., & Mogaji, E. (2020) Typology of Nigerian Universities: A Strategic Marketing and Branding Implication. In: E. Mogaji, F. Maringe & R. E. Hinson, eds. Understanding the Higher Education Market in Africa. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Ebong, J., Ciambotti, G., Kinoti, A., Nakagwa, A., & Adeola, O. (2020). Juxtaposing supply-and demand-side drivers and barriers of technology adoption at the Base of the Pyramid markets in Uganda. In Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa (pp. 51-75). Routledge.
Marfo, S., Adeola, O., Achi, A., & Hinson, R. E. (2020). Exploring the nation brand perception of Ghana. Place Branding: Connecting Tourist Experiences to Places.
Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Evans, O. (2020). Social media in marketing communications: A synthesis of successful strategies for the digital generation. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 61-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Osabutey, E. L., Hinson, R. E., & Adeola, O. (2020). 3 Potential symbiotic Sino-African relations and policymaking. Chinese Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Dynamics, New Synergies, 53.
Okafor, L. E., Adeola, O., & Folarin, O. (2020). Natural Disasters, Geography, and International Tourism. In Economic Effects of Natural Disasters (pp. 55-76). Academic Press.
Avornyo, F., Mahmoud, M. A., Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Boateng, R. (2020). Social Media Technologies and Export Marketing. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 83-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola O., Ehira D., & Nworie A. (2019) Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning in Healthcare in (Eds) Hinson R., Aziato, L., Adeola O., and Osei-Frimpong K. Health Service Marketing Management in Africa. New York: Routledge.
Adeola O., & Isaiah A. (2019) Strategic Planning and Healthcare Services in Hinson R., Aziato, L., Adeola O., and Osei-Frimpong K. (Eds), Health Service Marketing Management in Africa. New York: Routledge
Adeola, O., Evans, O., & Hinson, R. E. (2019). 13 Tourism and economic wellbeing in Africa, Positive Tourism in Africa, 13.
Adeola, O., & Anibaba, Y. (2018). Bottom of the Pyramid Marketing: Examples from Selected Nigerian Companies. In Bottom of the Pyramid Marketing: Making, Shaping and Developing BOP Markets (pp. 151-163). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Adeola O., Boso N, Olaniyi E. (2018), Bridging Institutional Distance: An Emerging Market Entry Strategy for Multinational Enterprises in the edited book, Agarwal, J., & Wu, T. (Eds.). (2018). Emerging Issues in Global Marketing: A Shifting Paradigm. Springer.
Okupe, A., Ward, T., & Adeola, O. (2018). Enhancing Hospitality and Tourism Industry Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Africa’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy (pp. 137-167). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Uzo, U., Adeola, O., Shittu, O., & Otubanjo, O. (2018). Common Indigenous Selling Practices in Africa. In Indigenous Management Practices in Africa: A Guide for Educators and Practitioners (pp. 31-45). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Adeola, O., Meru, A. K., & Kinoti, M. W. (2018). Kenya’s Blooming Flower Industry: Enhancing Global Competitiveness. In Africa’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy (pp. 331-349). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Adeola O., (2017), The Rise of Social Media: Implications for emerging markets, in the edited book, Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing, Routledge
Adeola, O., (2016). Ethics in marketing communications – Emerging issues in digital media. In K. Ogunyemi (Ed.), Teaching ethics across the management curriculum: Principles and application (pp. 163 – 190). New York, US: Business Expert Press.
Adeola, D & Adeola O. (2017) A Business Quest for Peace. In Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management. PRME. Greenleaf Publication.
Cases: Adeola, O. & Aluko, T (2017). Diamonds & Pearls Limited, Lagos Business School, The Case Centre. Reference no. 518-0002-1
Adeola, O & Amah, M (2016). LOTS Charity Foundation – transitioning into a social enterprise. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Vol. 6 No. 4