Kemi Ogunyemi
Brief info
Kemi Ogunyemi holds a degree in Law from the University of Ibadan, an LLM from University of Strathclyde, and MBA and PhD degrees from Pan-Atlantic University.
She currently teaches business ethics, managerial anthropology, and sustainability management at the Lagos Business School. Her consulting and research interests include personal ethos, work-life ethic, social responsibility, sustainability, governance, and anti-corruption risk assessment.
After leaving Law School, she worked as director, team lead and mentor in various projects of the Women’s Board (Educational Cooperation Society) before joining Lagos Business School in 2006. She has also developed, directed, and taught in management and leadership programmes for Nigerians of all ages aspiring to impact their country and the world.
She has held several positions that span academic and administrative directorships. Past positions include the directorship of the executive and full time MBA programmes at the School. She is currently the academic director of the Senior Management Programme and the director of the Christopher Kolade Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics. She has also served on several academic and administrative committees such as review committees for the MBA and Executive MBA programmes, accreditation committees, and steering committees for various school projects.
Kemi is currently a member of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa), Academy of International Business South West (AIB-SW) and the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE). She is also a reviewer (ad hoc) for journals and conferences such as Journal of Business Ethics, African Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management, and Academy of International Business.
In the course of her work, she co-developed the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) anti-corruption toolkit as well as a curriculum for teaching ethics and anti-corruption for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Ghana. She has also co-facilitated several training events on corruption risk assessment for the private and public sectors, the most recent being that organised by (Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission) ICPC and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the Nigerian aviation sector. In addition, she undertook the local impact evaluation for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) anti-corruption collective action project early in 2015.