Franklin Ngwu
Corporate Governance
Brief info
Franklin is an experienced non-executive director, advisor and academic with over 20 years of experience in teaching, private sector advisory and governance, policy research and consulting both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. He serves on the board of private sector organisations and development-focused initiatives and leads several policy engagements and research projects at National and International levels.
He is an Associate Professor of Strategy, Corporate Governance and Risk Management at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria. Franklin holds a PhD in Law and Economics of Banking Regulation, an MSc in Economics and a Post-graduate Diploma in Development Economics from the University of Manchester, UK. He also holds an MSc in Comparative Political Economy from Cardiff University, UK and a BSc in Sociology from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
He has worked at Barclays Bank UK and lectured at Glasgow School of Business and Society, Glasgow Caledonian University; School of Built Environment and Business, University of Salford; Department of Economics and School of Law, University of Manchester, UK.
Dr Ngwu has multi-disciplinary teaching and research interests including Bank Management and Financial Services Regulation, Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Law and Finance in Emerging Markets, Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Strategy and Management, Law and Development Economics.
Franklin leads industry projects and research and has contributed many book chapters and published papers in peer-reviewed journals. His paper on Securitisation and Financial Crisis was published by Research in International Business and Finance Journal. He is the author/editor of two corporate governance handbooks, Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets (Routledge, 2016) and Enhancing Board Effectiveness-Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets (Routledge, 2019).
- 2024, ‘The Cambridge Handbook on Banking in Africa’, (with Ojah, K.) (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (work in progress).
- 2024, ‘Family-owned Business Management in Developing and Emerging Markets’, (with Nwuke O.) (eds), Routledge- Taylor and Francis, London & New York (work in progress).
- 2023, CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Innovative Public and Private Regulation Dimensions, (with Osuji, O.K. and Lynch-Wood, G.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2019, CSR in Developing and Emerging Markets – Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development (with Osuji, O.K. and Jamali, D) (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2019, Enhancing Board Effectiveness-Institutions, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets (with Ogbechie, C and Osuji, O.K and Williamson, D) (eds), Routledge- Taylor and Francis, London & New York.
- 2016, Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, (with Osuji, O. K and Stephen, F.H) (eds), Routledge-Taylor and Francis, London & New York.
Book Chapters
- 2023, ‘Introduction: The Centrality of Regulation in Corporate Responsibility’, in Osuji, O. K and Ngwu F.N., Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe- Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges’, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (with Osuji, O.K)
- 2023, ‘Incentives, Public Procurement and Market Mechanisms’, in Osuji, O. K and Ngwu F.N., Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe- Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges’, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2023, ‘SMEs: Untapped Platform for Sustainable CSR Penetration and Practice in Developing and Emerging Markets’, in Osuji, O. K and Ngwu F.N., Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe- Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges’, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2023, ‘Shareholders, Institutional Investors and Socially Responsible Investment’, in Osuji, O. K and Ngwu F.N., Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe- Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges’, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2023, ‘Postscript: Rendezvous of Regulation and Corporate Social Responsibility’, in Osuji, O. K and Ngwu F.N., Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Globe- Innovative Resolution of Regulatory and Governance Challenges’, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (with Osuji O.K).
- 2021, ‘Will covid-19 exacerbate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from past pandemics’, in Osabuohien, E., Odularu, G., Ufua, D. E. & Osabuohien, R. - Socioeconomic Shocks and Africa’s Development: Lessons and Policy Directions (with Madichie, C. V., Ngwu, F. N., Maduka, A. C. & Metu, A. G.) Emerald Insights.
2019, Introduction-Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development in, Osuji O.K, Ngwu, F.N and Jamali D. (eds), Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (with Osuji O. K. and Jamali D.).
- 2019, Navigating the CSR Discourse from a Developing Country’s Perspective: A Shift to Human Capital Development? in, Osuji O.K, Ngwu, F.N and Jamali D. (eds), Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (with Motilewa, D.B & Aziegbe-Ebes, E).
- 2019, Promoting Sustainability in Business and Management Education, in, Osuji O.K, Ngwu, F.N and Jamali D. (eds), Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (With Nwagu, I & Ogbechie, C).
- 2019, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Developing and Emerging Markets: Looking Forward, in in, Osuji O.K, Ngwu, F.N and Jamali D. (eds), Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (with Osuji O. K and Jamali D.).
- 2019, Introduction-Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, in Ngwu, F.N, Osuji, O. K; Ogbechie C., & Williamson, D. (eds), Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis, New York (with Osuji, O.K, Ogbechie C & Williamson D.).
- 2019, Director Remuneration in Developing and Emerging Markets (DEMs)-Issues, Challenges and Prospects in Ngwu, F.N, Osuji, O. K; Ogbechie C., & Williamson, D. (eds), Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis, New York.
- 2019, Effective Boards in Developing and Emerging Markets- Looking Ahead in Ngwu, F.N; Osuji, O. K; Ogbechie C., & Williamson, D. (eds), Enhancing Board Effectiveness: Institutional, Regulatory and Functional Perspectives for Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis, New York (with Osuji, O.K, Ogbechie C & Williamson D.).
- 2018, Insurance Penetration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, in Wamboye, E & Tiruneh, E, A (eds), The Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa, Routledge-Taylor and Francis (with Chris Ogbechie & Oreva Agajere).
- 2018, Firm Internationalization as a Driver of Organizational Change, in Ovadje F. & Aryee S. (eds), Routledge Handbook on Organizational Change, Routledge-Taylor and Francis (with Chris Ogbechie and Godson Ikiebey).
- 2018, Banking in Africa: Can Emerging Pan-African Banks Outcompete Their Global Rivals, in Adeleye, I & Esposito, M (eds), Africa’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy, Palgrave Macmillian (with Adeleye I, Iheanachor N, Esho E, Oji C, Onaji-Benson T & Ogbechie C.).
- 2016, Addressing Climate Change Due To Emission Of Greenhouse Gases Associated With The Oil And Gas Industry: Market-Based Regulation To The Rescue’, in Gonzalez-Perez, M and Liam, L. (eds) Climate Change and the 2030 Corporate Agenda for Sustainable Development, Emerald Publishing (with Enabulele, O. & Zahraa, M).
- 2016, Introduction and Emerging Issues’, in Ngwu N.F, Osuji K, O and Stephen F.H (eds), Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis (with Osuji, K and Stephen, F.H).
- 2016, Origin and Development of Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, in Ngwu N.F, Osuji K, O and Stephen F.H (eds), Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis.
- 2016, Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets- Way Forward’, in Ngwu N.F, Osuji K, O and Stephen F.H (eds), Corporate Governance in Developing and Emerging Markets, Routledge-Taylor and Francis (with Osuji, K and Stephen, F.H).
- 2015, ‘First Bank of Nigeria: Developing and Internationalization Strategy’, in Adeleye I., Ibeh K., Kinoti, A and White, L. (eds.), The Changing Dynamics of International Business in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan (with Adeleye I, Iheanachor N and Ogbechie, C).
- 2014, ‘Strengthening Africa’s Financial Infrastructure: An Institutional Analysis of Formal Prudential Regulation’, in Nwankwo S and Ibeh K (eds), The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, London.
- 2014, ‘Intra-African Regional Expansion: Rhetoric, Reality and Risks’, in Nwankwo S and Ibeh K (eds), The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, London (with Adeleye, 1 and Ogbechie, C).
Published Articles
- 2023, ‘Modelling the dynamics of cryptocurrency prices for risk hedging: The Case of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin’, Cogent Economics & Finance, 11: 1, 2196852, DOI: 10. 1080/23322039.2023.2196852.
- 2022, ‘Transition to Cleaner Cooking Energy in Ghana, Clean Energy, Oxford University Press, DOI:10.1093/ce/zkac004 (with Appiah-Konadu, P and Bofah, R).
- 2022, ‘Estimation of disaggregated import demand functions for Nigeria: Do structural breaks matter? CBN Journal of Applied Statistics (with Madichie, C. V. & Nwogwugwu, U. C.)
- 2018, ‘Growing Cross-Border Banking in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Need for a Regional Centralized Regulatory Authority’- Journal of Banking Regulation, 10.1057/s41261-018-0090-3. (with Ojah, K and Ogbechie, C).
- 2017, ‘Securitisation in BRICS: Issues, Challenges and Prospects’. Research in International Business and Finance, 42, 1219–1227, (With Bavoso V & Chen Z).
- 2017, ‘Analysis of Government Policies, Institutions, and Inward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Thunderbird International Business Review, 1-12 (with Emudainohwo, O.B., Boateng, A & Brahma, S.).
- 2017, ‘The Influence of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Capital Structure Decisions of Chinese Listed Firms.’ Review of Accounting and Finance (with Boateng, A., Cai, H., Borgia, D., & Bi, X.,)
- 2016, ‘Overhauling the Institutional Structure of Bank Regulation in Nigeria: The Unfinished Reform’, Journal of Banking Regulation (with Akinbami F), 10, 1-21 (ABS 2).
- 2016, ‘Regulation of Securitisation in China: Lessons from the US’, Research in International Business & Finance (with Chen Zheyang), 37, 477-488.
- 2015, ‘Promoting Formal Financial Inclusion in Africa: An Institutional Re-examination of the Policies with a Case Study of Nigeria’, Journal of Banking Regulation, 16, 306-325.
- 2014, ‘Anglo-American Model and Corporate Governance Failures in Nigeria: Beyond Neo-liberal Explanation with a focus on the Banking Sector’, International Company and Commercial Law Review, 10-343-355.
Working Papers
- Social capital and financial performance in Nigeria – Finance Research Letters (with Nnoruga, O. M., Ochada, I. M. & Madichie, C. V.) (ABS 2).
- Public debt and renewable energy consumption in Nigeria: Target – Energy (ABS 2).
- Impact of business culture on business strategy and performance in Nigeria: An assessment of the Igbo business model: Target – Small Business Economics Journal (ABS 2).
- Economic growth and environment quality in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of institutions: Target – Environmental and Resource Economics (ABS 3).
- Human resource and risk management of firms – Human Resource Development Review (with Oparison, A. & Madichie, C. V.) (ABS 2).
- Intra-Africa Trade and the Need to Rethink the Neo-Liberal Approach: Target – World Development Review (ABS 3).
- Risk digitization: The new muscle of risk management and the inherent risks for African banks: Target – Journal of Risk (ABS 3).
- Promoting Inter-Regional Trade: What is Africa’s Comparative Advantage, target- Thunderbird International Business Review (ABS 2).
- Operational Risk Management in Emerging Markets Banks: A Critical Examination, target- Journal of Operational Risk (ABS 2)
Conference Papers
- 2019, Corporate Governance Failures in Developing & Emerging Markets: A Clash of Legal Systems’, presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference of the Northern Area Group, 11-12th September 2019, Salford Business School, University of Salford, UK.
- 2017, ‘Growing Cross-Border Banking in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Need for a Regional Centralised Regulatory Authority,’ presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference of the Northern Area Group, 14-15th September 2017, Bangor Business School, Bangor, North Wales, UK.
- 2017, ‘Asymmetric Information, Retail Credit Risk Management and Developing Economies’, presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference of the Northern Area Group, 14-15th September 2017, Bangor Business School, Bangor, North Wales, UK.
- 2016, ‘Securitisation in BRICS: Issues, Challenges and Prospects’, presented at the 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRBAM), 11-12th July 2016, IPAG Business School, Nice, France.
- 2016, ‘The Internationalization of African Banks: Lessons and Policy Implications from Ecobank’s Pan African Expansion’, presented at the Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Annual Conference, Lagos Business School, Lagos, Nigeria.
- 2016, The Financial Crisis and the failure of external regulators, presented at the Principles of Accountable Policing Workshops, 11-12th Feb.2016, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, organized by Scottish Universities Insight Institute and The Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
- 2015, ‘Promoting Intra-African Trade: A Sociological Inquiry’, presented at the 2015 Academy of International Business, Sub-Saharan African Chapter, 26-28th August, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- 2015, ‘Institutional Determinants and Inward FDI: Evidence from Nigeria’, presented at the 2015 Academy of International Business, Sub-Saharan African Chapter, 26-28th August, Johannesburg, South Africa (with Emudainohwo, O., Boateng, A., and Brahma, S).
- 2014, First Bank of Nigeria: Developing an Internationalization Strategy: presented at the Academy of International Business, Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Conference, August 2014, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 2014, ‘Sustainable Banking Model for African Economies’, 4th Africa CEO Roundtable & Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (AR-CSR), June 19-21, Calabar, Nigeria.
- 2014, Global Aspirations and Strategies of Emerging Multi Africans: The Case of Ecobank’, presented at the Academy of International Business, US Southwest Chapter Conference, Dallas, Texas, 11th-15th March 2014.
- 2014, ‘Exploring Intra-Regional Expansion Opportunities and Liabilities of African Firms’, Presented at the 2nd Biennial Conference of African Academy of Management, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, Jan 8-11, 20014.
- 2013, ‘Unlocking Finance for Entrepreneurial Growth in Africa: An Institutional Examination of Challenges and Possible Solutions’, Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Management in Africa, University of Manchester, 5th -7th Sept. 2013.
- 2012, ‘Are the Taxpayers Getting Value for their Money: A Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Banking Sector, Paper presented at the European School on New Institutional Economics, Cargese, France, 21st May- 26th May 2012.
- 2011, ‘Re-examining the effectiveness of Financial Prudential Regulation: Any Role for Informal Laws (Social Norms), Paper presented at the PGR Conference, University of Manchester, 14th Oct.2011.
Non-Academic Publications
- 2016, The Untapped Solution to Our Economic Crisis Part 1, The Guardian Newspaper, http://guardian.ng/opinion/the-untapped-solution-to-our-economic-crisis-part-1/
- 2016, The Untapped Solution to Our Economic Crisis Part 2, The Guardian Newspaper, http://guardian.ng/opinion/the-untapped-solution-to-our-economic-crisis-2/
- Restructuring the Legal System: National Conference Most Fundamental Issue, Thisday Newspaper, http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/restructuring-the-legal-system-national-conference-most-fundamental-issue/171474/
- Overcoming ‘Incurable Bank Charges in Nigeria – the UK Example, The Guardian Newspapers, http://allafrica.com/stories/201409221896.html
- How We Can Truly Immortalise Dr Adadevoh, Others, Vanguard Newspaper, http://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/09/can-truly-immortalise-dr-adadevoh-others/
- How To ‘Post’ in One Million Jobs in One Year, The Guardian Newspaper, http://theguardianmobile.com/readNewsItem1.php?nid=38841
- Creating 2 Million Jobs Every Year (1), The Guardian Newspaper, http://www.ngrguardiannews.com/2015/02/creating-2m-jobs-every-year-1/
- National Identity Card and the Other Side of Financial Inclusion, The Guardian Newspaper, http://allafrica.com/stories/201410201986.html
- How Nigerian Banks Waste N500bn Annual Trade Opportunity in the UK, The Guardian Newspapers, ngrguardiannews.com
- Why Nigeria Can’t Attain MDGs by 2015, The Guardian Newspapers, http://allafrica.com/stories/201412292710.html