Belinda Nwosu
Organistional Behaviour
Human Resources Management
Brief info
Belinda Nwosu is a faculty member of the Organisational Behaviour and HRM Department at Lagos Business School. She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Southampton, UK, with other degrees in hospitality and statistics.
Her main research interests centre around human behaviour in business contexts with applications in the services sector, especially tourism and hospitality. She has explored gender, HR leadership, sustainable HRM and governance in tourism, employee work ethic, employee behaviour and service climate. She has several journal and book chapter publications, including the first comprehensive study on the issues facing human capital development in the hotel industry in Nigeria.
Her teaching areas in the field of organisational behaviour include teamwork, conflict management, emotional intelligence, motivation, leadership development and change management.
Before joining LBS, Belinda worked as a Senior Consultant at W Hospitality Group. She also worked in Vocational Education and Training at Wavecrest College of Hospitality for several years. In both these roles, Belinda engaged in several initiatives to develop human capital for the services sector, especially in the design, development, and delivery of targeted training interventions, consulting projects and speaking engagements.
Belinda is a Fellow and Trustee of the Institute of Hospitality (UK), a recipient of the 2022 Paul R. Lawrence Fellowship in case research and a Certified Hotel Industry Analyst with STR Global. In addition, she volunteers as an advisor with Wonder Foundation, a UK-based charity dedicated to empowering women and girls through quality education and access to good work.
Journal Articles
Nwosu, B., Veliziotis, M. and D’Amato, A. (2022) Exploring the interrelationships between work ethic, service climate and employee service behaviour: A study of the hotel industry in Nigeria. Proceedings from CAUTHE 2022 Conference Online in Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events, pp. 325–337.
Nwosu, B. & Ward, T. (2016). “Special Issue: What are the issues facing human capital development in the hotel industry in Nigeria and how might they be addressed?” Worldwide Hospitality & Tourism Themes 8.2 (2016): 114-256.
Nwosu, B. (2016). A review of the hotel industry in Nigeria: size, structure and issues. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(2), 117-133.
Cecchi, M. and Nwosu, B. (2016). Human capital development: perspectives of an expatriate hotel manager in Africa. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 8(2), 207-210
Nwosu, B. (2014). Hospitality education: sustainable empowerment opportunities for Nigerian women. Worldwide Hospitality & Tourism Themes, 6(1), 62-76
Nwosu, B., Veliziotis, M. and D’Amato, A. (2022) Exploring the interrelationships between work ethic, service climate and employee service behaviour: A study of the hotel industry in Nigeria. Proceedings from CAUTHE 2022 Conference Online in Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events, pp. 325–337.
Book Chapters
Nwosu B., Grandcourt E., Kum L.B. (2021) Covid-19, Women in Tourism and Sustainable Development: The Nigeria Experience. In: Adeola O. (eds) Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88152-8_14
Nwosu B., Ogunyemi K. (2020) A View from the Top: Hotel HR Directors’ Perspectives of Sustainable HRM in Nigeria. In: Baum T., Ndiuini A. (eds)
Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism. Geographies of Tourism and Global Change. Springer, Cham
Nwosu, B. (2017). Socially responsible human resource management practices in Nigeria: a study of the experiences of work-related well-being among hospitality student interns. In Koutra, C. (Ed.) Social Responsibility: application of good practices and malpractices in tourism and hospitality industry, in the developing world. Chapter 3. New York: Nova Publications
Ogunyemi, K., & Nwosu, B. (2015) Building trust for the internal stakeholder – governance footprints within the organization. In T. Cockburn, K. Jahdi & E. Wilson (Eds.), Responsible Governance: International Perspectives for the New Era (pp.203-225). New York: Business Expert Press
Nwosu B., Grandcourt E., Kum L.B. (2021) Covid-19, Women in Tourism and Sustainable Development: The Nigeria Experience. In: Adeola O. (eds) Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88152-8_14