Fulbright Scholar to Visit LBS

Lagos Business School will, from May 12 to July 15, 2014 play host to its first Fulbright scholar, Dr Efosa C. Idemudia. The Fulbright is a programme of the United States government that supports academic institutions with US-based faculty.

While at LBS, Idemudia will be leading Management Information Systems (MIS) sessions and other TechEducation initiatives.

The internationally renowned scholar is a full-time faculty member and coordinator of the Business Data Analytics programme at Arkansas Tech University. Before that, he was a visiting scholar at Georgia State University, where he worked in the Computer Information Systems Department ranked in the top ten by the US News & World Report.

At Georgia State University, he taught both graduate and undergraduate students and was a faculty consultant to the Educational Testing Services (ETS) for the College Board’s AP computer science reading programme for six years.

At present, Dr. Idemudia is a member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Technology Diffusion and Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems. His papers have been published and presented worldwide in leading IS conferences, such as America’s Conference on Information Systems and Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, among others.

He holds a PhD in Management Information Systems from Texas Tech University, a Master’s in Computer Information Systems from the University of Texas at El Paso, and an MBA in International Business from the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.

For the record, Dr. Idemudia is also a member of Strathmore Who’s Who of Professionals.