We can partner with you in developing your organisation’s talent and meeting your recruitment and innovation challenges.

Recruit LBS Talent

The Lagos Business School is one of Africa’s most prominent business schools. Every academic session, we welcome students from different nations and diverse academic backgrounds into our programs: MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive programmes. Our award-winning faculty use a “case study” approach, which allows our participants to understand the intricacies of present-day business on a theoretical and practical level.

Our graduates possess the knowledge and skills to thrive on a global level. They are guaranteed to bring exceptional value to any organisation lucky enough to have them under employment.

How to recruit at LBS

Do you have specific recruitment needs or are you widening your scope for mass hiring? We can help you to choose the right recruitment option on or off campus, according to your preferences and needs. At LBS, you will find students and participants from all over the world interested in your profession and sector.


Partnering with top-tier companies worldwide, we facilitate meaningful connections between talent and industry, empowering our students to thrive in today's competitive global landscape. Through our strong partnerships, we ensure that our students receive the support and opportunities they need to excel both academically and professionally.

What Our Students Say

Learn more about LBS through the experience of current students and alumni

Attending LBS and becoming a member of the alumni plugs you into a rich network of corporate players, professionals and entrepreneurs in Nigeria. The depth and breadth of the alumni association is amazing. With almost 8,000 members, it is the type of company that you would want to keep and a place that you want to be

Udeme Ufot

Udeme Ufot

MBA 02, Group Managing Director SO&U

I was elected as a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the highest honour that any business student in the world can achieve. I was also privileged to be elected as a pioneer president of the Lagos Chapter. I am convinced that I would never have been able to achieve this feat without my LBS experience

Glory Enyinnaya

Glory Enyinnaya

EMBA 21, Founder Kleos Africa

Going to LBS and going through all the classes, it all made sense to me. The rich dialogue with the faculty during classes and the conversations in class was better for me as it stirred me. LBS was different and prepared me for my career choices. I also got recruited into my current organisation from the Career Fair at LBS

Arese Odiase

Arese Odiase

MBA 03, Supply Base Management SHELL

Contact Us

Engage in a one-on-one conversation with an admissions officer to find out all you need to know about the MBA programmes and life at LBS.