Tunde Ekpe
Brief info
Dr Tunde Ekpe lectures on the MBA, and Executive Education programmes at Lagos Business School. She is an accredited Executive coach, psychometric profiler and also the Director of Optimentus Ltd based in Oxford, United Kingdom.
Her research and teaching interests include Psychometric Profiling, Strategic Human Resource Management, Leadership, Teambuilding, Communication, Organisational Learning and Development, and Assessment and Development centres.
For over 30 years, she has consulted in Africa and around the world, delivering services to multinationals in the private sector as well as multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and Africa Capacity Building Fund. Her global consulting work covers executive leadership assessment and development, executive coaching, organisational development and organisational transformation. She has also trained HR managers, coached women for Board positions and run leadership development workshops.
She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Manchester University, a postgraduate diploma in Psychology from the Open University UK, Masters in Organisational Psychology from City University London and her Doctorate with the Work and Organisational department of Aston University. She is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow registered with the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. She also holds a Non-Executive Director diploma facilitated by the Financial Times of London.