Every senior executive and manager require the skills necessary to make informed financial decisions to deliver value in their organisations. This programme focuses on the responsibilities of the non-finance and non-accounting senior executive for finance and financial accounting, reporting and analysis including cost reports and information, cost analysis and cost…
This programme is designed to benefit: Senior executives, company directors, owner-managers, senior executives/managers and other professionals without accounting and finance knowledge or skills, who need to make informed use of corporate financial statements and managerial accounting reports or information as well as business finance decisions.
For a long time, the HR function had to struggle to get a seat in the boardroom of their organisations. Today, the issue is different. Now that the HR function has a seat, the question is “What does HR bring into the room and what should HR bring”? Related to…
The programme is designed to benefit: Senior HR Executives at C-Suite level in private sector companies from a diverse range of industries and ownership structures as well as their public sector counterparts.
The Advanced Management Programme (AMP) is focused on refining key management and leadership skills. The programme encourages participants to view their business environment and the world from a different perspective where assumptions are challenged, and new opportunities revealed. The learning methodology and diverse network enhance the experience of participants. On…
The Advanced Management Programme is for Executive Directors and General Managers who are preparing to lead multifunctional organisations. It is a transformational experience that helps participants perfect their leadership capabilities such that they can advance their organisations, knowing which levers to pull to create an environment that delivers on set…
The Agribusiness Management Programme (AgMP) is an intensive program designed for agribusiness managers, leaders, company executives, financial professionals with large portfolio and projects, agribusiness investors, stakeholders in the Agricultural sector including farmers, policymakers, value chain players, founders, entrepreneurs and fintech managers and executives with interest in developing technology solutions in…
The AgMP is for company executives and managers with decision-making power, professionals in charge of considerable portfolios and projects within their organization. This covers a range of stakeholders across the agricultural sector including: 1. Financial Institutions 2. Agribusiness Corporations and Multinationals 3. Institutional and retail investors in Agribusiness production, processing,…
In the current marketing environment, the greatest opportunity lies in analytics-enabled marketing. Today’s marketing managers are expected to use data to make better marketing decisions from promotion strategy to campaign optimisation and pricing improvements. To generate actionable insight, they rely on a vast array of tools and technologies from providers…
Mid-level managers at large and mid-size companies who are responsible for connecting marketing analytic insights and business actions Executives and entrepreneurs from organisations tasked with making data-driven marketing decisions Product management, brand management, sales and strategic professionals
The volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment presents unique challenges for organisations that want to ensure longevity. Today, the preeminent factor in ensuring long-term business survival is leadership: decisive, accountable and strategic leadership; people with the ability to create and sustain engaging business climates for harnessing the thoughts and…
This programme will benefit: Middle level managers, Senior managers and Executive leaders in public, private and non-governmental organisations.
We are reeling from the disruptive effect of COVID-19. The world will no longer be the same, but what will this new world look like? While it is impossible to predict, we can develop different scenarios. In this seminar, you will gain skills and competence to design scenarios for long…
This programme will benefit C-level managers and other senior managers involved in strategy development and planning.
This short course seeks to explain the link between an organisation’s budget and its strategic plan, advise managers of the overall organisational goal, project organisational and department-specific volumes, recognise the relationship between volume, revenue and expenses, and set organisational and department-specific budgetary goals using peer benchmarks.
Managers, Executives and Company Directors/Owners without accounting/finance skill or knowledge but keen on translating their strategies into financials
As business and social environments continue to evolve, and as organisations grapple with economic uncertainty, competition and ever-increasing customer expectations, the workplace dynamics have considerably changed from what they used to be. With new approaches to relationships and a deliberate collapse of organisational hierarchies, the task of getting people (of…
The programme is designed to benefit: Team leaders, and middle to senior-level functional managers in both private and public sector organisations whose roles require an understanding of people, groups and group dynamics. Experts and specialists who are making a transition from managing equipment and processes to leading people.
Guided by senior members of LBS’ marketing faculty — experts in business-to-business marketing — you will gain exposure to their leading-edge thinking on successful business practices and explore the fundamentals and best practices of B2B marketing strategy in depth. Highly interactive and focused on practical application, this programme teaches you…
Managers who are responsible for brands and want to refine their skills Marketers looking to develop their capabilities in brand building Leaders hoping to elevate the role of branding in their organization
The need to develop effective business performance improvement strategies has never been greater in Nigeria than it is today. The economy is growing slowly, and it is characterised by high cost of funds, materials, and services. Companies in all sectors are therefore seeking new ways to improve their financial performance,…
This programme is specially designed for Senior Executives of organisations with responsibilities for business process/quality improvement.
In an erratic, complex and rapidly evolving environment, any organisation that hopes to survive, let alone thrive must have a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) that is future-focused and agile. A CEO that can make things happen in a world characterized by disruptive innovation where success is more about changing the…
Chief Executive Programme (CEP) is designed for senior business executives who are ready to accelerate their career to the highest level of leadership. The programme is designed for CEOs as well as for senior business leaders who are identified as critical to the company’s succession plan. It is for senior…
The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria executed a collaborative agreement with the Lagos Business School (LBS) to run a Master of Business Administration/Associateship of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (MBA/Chartered Banker), Senior Management Programme/Associateship of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (SMP/Chartered Banker) and Advanced Management…
The programme is for the following: Participants who have already completed their Senior Management Programme or Advanced Management Programme at Lagos Business School. Participants who already have an MBA from AMBA and AACSB recognised and accredited institutions.
With the current global and local business challenges such as rising cost of doing business, policy uncertainty and unpredictability, liquidity problems, rising unemployment, poverty and Covid 19 pandemic, the need for a re-think of business strategies and effective management of business problems to achieve sustainable profitability, growth and performance cannot be…
Board of Directors Executive Management Teams Advisory Boards
The Corporate Valuation Masterclass is an intensive course aimed at providing participants with an in-depth understanding of business valuation techniques and strategies. The masterclass covers an array of topics necessary in valuing businesses effectively. The program will outline the importance of valuation in different business scenarios, such as mergers and…
Investment Bankers, CFOs, Financial Analysts, Entrepreneurs, Private Equity and Venture Capital Investors, Consultants and Advisors
As the world struggles to recover from a historic downturn, the competitive landscape is becoming more heated. Nigeria and other sub-Saharan economies are growing and becoming more attractive, such that local players are increasingly being thrust upon the global stage. Local and regional companies are no longer insulated from global…
This programme will benefit: Top-level managers with responsibilities for formulating or reviewing strategy for firms, divisions, businesses, product lines, or brands. It will be especially beneficial to top-level managers in innovative or fast-changing industries or sectors.
After well-thought and careful considerations, companies, and individuals generally craft strategies to accomplish their corporate or personal goals. A good strategy is required to deliver a good and sustained performance. Businesses and individuals are now faced with new realities – environmental turbulence. The competitive advantages of yesterday in many instances…
The programme is designed to benefit: Employees and individuals who are interested in personal improvements and for those who are seeking new approaches to issues and challenges Business owners who want to have a better understanding of the customers, the environments, the business structure, and processes and want to know…
The world is ‘full’ of operations, some more visible, others less so. In all organisations (private companies, NGOs, and public sector), operations must be managed. Even the units/ departments within these organisations must also manage their operations, whether it is about sales, or even report writing in administration units and…
This programme will benefit all executives with the responsibility of managing operations in manufacturing companies, NGOs, service companies including hospitals, Insurance, banking and finance and transport sectors.
Effective understanding and management of the marketing function is critical to business success. By exploring the critical tools of contemporary marketing management such as managerial orientations in marketing, new developments in the marketing mix, brand cum line extension, key account management strategies and so on, this program equips you to…
Sales Executives, Marketing and Business Development executives.
The leadership programme is designed to prepare middle managers with the requisite knowledge and skills to assume strategic leadership positions in their organisations or beyond.
Middle managers in hospitality and tourism organisations (can be extended to retail) Entrepreneurs of SME in hospitality and tourism
Africa is home to six of the top ten fastest-growing economies in the world and US exports to sub-Saharan Africa now top $21 billion a year. Executives desiring to expand their business into other parts of Africa grapple with a host of challenges such as the diversity in the contexts,…
International executives of non-African companies who are desirous of establishing a presence in Africa or expanding their businesses to Africa. Senior executives and leaders in organizations who have been assigned to work in international locations of their local companies within Africa. CEOs and owners who are desirous of taking their…
The Global Immersion Program (GIP) is a course designed for LBS participants and Alumni to provide a high-level survey of the economic, cultural, and geopolitical drivers behind regions integral to the global economy. The 2025 programme will take place in Paris, France. France is an advanced and industrialized country, the…
Current participants on any of programmes Alumni of Lagos Business School
In light of the recent socio-economic challenges facing Nigeria, businesses and business leaders in different sectors of the economy have been put under pressure to deliver shareholder value, business sustainability, and drive organisational growth. The resultant effect of this is that financial targets were missed and some organisations were unable…
Chief Executive Officers Executive Directors Top Business Leaders
Amidst incidents of unending global disruption, organisations are contending with the challenges of driving incremental improvement in their value chains. Sustenance of efficiency and productivity is becoming a significant challenge for most organisations. Leadership and senior managerial cadres need help to deliver value to important business stakeholders in a highly…
This programme is designed for : Managers, leaders, and supervisors responsible for driving operational excellence and supply chain in their organisations.
Blue Ocean Strategy offers participants a new perspective on strategy formulation and execution. They will immerse themselves in Blue Ocean Strategy concepts, tools and frameworks, and start to create ‘blue oceans’ of uncontested market space to help make the competition irrelevant. They will also gain key insights on how these…
This seminar is designed specifically for top-level managers with responsibilities for formulating or reviewing strategy for firms, divisions, businesses, product lines, or brands. It will be especially beneficial to top-level managers in innovative or fast-changing industries or sectors.
Whether an organisation is for profit or not-for-profit; or, it is pursuing a single or triple-bottom line agenda, a common driver of success on a sustainable basis is an effective and efficient cost management system. Cost is said to be a reflection of the choices we make. This programme offers…
This seminar is ideally suited to those involved in contract negotiations as well as those responsible for improving their organisations’ operational results. Sales and marketing personnel will also benefit by understanding their costs and providing better solutions to key customers.
In a highly competitive market, businesses need to find new revenue streams, build on existing ones. Given the current economic climate in the country, businesses need to understand how to innovate in processes to streamline cost. This programme offers participants knowledge about identifying and implementing innovative ideas, locating, developing, defining,…
This programme will benefit: Directors of business development, Business development managers, Innovation managers, Sales Directors and Marketing Directors. Medium and small scale business owners who wish to expand their businesses. Positions held by recent participants: Innovation Manager, Marketing and Sales Director, Global Marketing Manager, Business Development Director, Product or Service…
In today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly important for organisations of all sizes and industries. For boards, this means that oversight on sustainability issues cannot be overemphasised, it is key to strategy, risk management and innovation for business growth. As a board member, making sustainability…
The Effective Sustainability and ESG Management programme aims to provide current and Africa-focused management knowledge in the area of corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and responsible business. The programme is delivered online via the LBS eLearning platform. In the last two decades, there has been growing interest in the role…
The programme is open to middle management executives and individuals with roles in: Sustainability as a Business Strategy Sustainability in the Workplace Sustainability vs Corporate Social Responsibility Community Engagement and Investment Sustainable Consumption, Production and Waste Management Environmental Management Principles and Best Practices Sustainability Compliance, Standards and Frameworks
The ESG Materiality Assessment and Sustainability Reporting seminar is designed to empower organisations with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in an increasingly sustainable and responsible business landscape. In today’s world, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations have become pivotal in shaping corporate strategies and investor decisions. This…
Middle, and executive-level functional managers in organisations involved in sustainability strategy development and implementation, Human resources managers, Corporate social responsibility initiatives, Strategy, marketing, health, safety, and environment (HSE), risk management and governance.
Globalisation, economic uncertainty, stiff competition and the general complexities of today’s business are compelling CEOs to depend on inter-disciplinary diversity-based strategic thinking for organisational success. Consequently, teamwork has become an indispensable organisational tool for developing and managing strategies required to successfully tackle today’s global challenges. Teaming behaviours exhibited at the…
This programme will benefit CEOs and direct reports to CEOs of large organisations as well as mid-sized organisations experiencing a growth surge. It is highly recommended that CEOs attend with their reports create the initial bonding that will be continued on after the seminar.
Recent developments in the global market occasioned by COVID-19 and volatilities in the oil sector have heightened the need for Nigeria to diversify its economy away from oil. Exports help improve foreign exchange earnings, create employment opportunities, engender wealth creation and sustainable poverty reduction. To boost non-oil exports and build…
Entrepreneurs, prospective exporters, financiers of exports, export sector regulators, MSMEs, state and federal government agencies logistics service providers and any other interested parties.
This is a detailed financial modeling programme that seeks to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills in modeling financial statements, enterprise valuation, M & A (Accretion/Dilution) using DCF enabled by Excel. With a hand-holding approach, participants will build models from scratch. This will be achieved with real case studies,…
The programme is designed to benefit Investment Bankers, Equity Research Associates, Business Development Analysts, Asset & Hedge Fund Managers, Accounting/Treasury/Corporate Finance Professionals and anyone seeking to improve their financial and valuation modeling skill set.
Many companies struggle to translate strategy into results. They lack the tools to implement strategy in turbulent and emerging markets characterised by uncertainties. This three-day programme introduces a framework that enables participants appreciate the different drivers of execution and how they interact. Before the programme, each participant is to complete…
The programme is designed to benefit managers who are new to implementing strategy, moving into a more challenging implementation role or simply looking for new ideas to try where others have failed. Executives with accountability for outcome and direct control of significant resources (budgets and groups of people), typically general…
As an industry leader, you map out your company’s course, chart its strategy and foster a culture guided by clear objectives and a shared mission. Today the global, interconnected world calls for executive leaders who are uniquely attuned to the economic currents and market shifts that could advance or undermine…
The Global CEO – Africa programme is designed for top-tier business leaders including board members, C-Suite executives, presidents, and chief decision-makers of companies with interests or a presence in the African continent. Participants have an average of 20 years experience in senior management roles and reflect a diversity of…
The Covid-19 pandemic has effectively reset the way we do business. Remote working and tech convergence are just two examples of changing business landscapes. Moreover, investors in traditional economic sectors have identified the need for diversification to ensure sustainable growth. We cannot dispute the impacts of Covid-19 on the hospitality…
High net worth individuals who are looking to diversify their investment portfolio. Real estate investors who are looking to expand their portfolio by investing in hospitality/tourism properties. Entrepreneurs who are interested in starting a hospitality/tourism business Institutional investors, such as pension funds or hedge funds, are looking for investment opportunities…
The Professional Stage of the HR Academy is focused on providing core human resources capabilities required to function effectively at mid-level management. Completion of this programme leads to the award of the Professional Certificate in Human Resource Management and Practice – Professional Stage. Upon completing this executive programme, you will…
Human Resources Managers Learning and Development Managers Organizational Development Managers Talent Acquisition and Recruitment Managers Middle-Level Line Managers seeking career development in human resource management.
The need to manage diversity and equality in the workplace has become a priority as the benefits become more apparent for business performance. Research shows gender diversity for example is correlated with improved financial performance. How can your organisations recruit and retain more women and youths to improve productivity? This…
Project Finance is a highly technical and complex field that has evolved with PPPs, especially as a limited-recourse facility. As a rapidly developing field of practice in connection with the rolling out of PPPs in Nigeria, there has been established a grave need for updating of the skills of investment…
Some of the individuals and groups that may find learning about project finance beneficial include: Investment bankers: Investment bankers involved in project finance transactions will benefit from learning about the various financial structures and techniques used in these transactions. Corporate finance professionals: Corporate finance professionals in industries such as energy…
Innovate to Disrupt (ITD) is designed for leaders and innovators looking to drive change and create new markets through disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation is a powerful force that has transformed industries and created new opportunities for growth and success. It involves identifying unmet customer needs, developing new business models, and…
Mid to Senior-Level Executives: These individuals are responsible for strategic decision-making within their organizations and can benefit from understanding disruptive innovation trends and strategies to stay ahead in their respective industries. Entrepreneurs and Start-up Founders: Individuals involved in entrepreneurship or those planning to start their ventures can gain valuable insights…
This one-week sports Management seminar in Madrid, Spain, dubbed “La Liga Week.”, will feature classroom sessions and visits to notable sports clubs and facilities in Madrid, Spain. Participants will experience an immersion into the science and art of sports facility management and sports promotion. Madrid, the capital of Spain, hosts…
Experienced professionals from the world of sports Business who wish to complete, promote and redirect their professional skills and sports career. Students graduating in areas related to sports People who wish to begin their professional career in the field of football.
The LBS Certificate for Retail Manager is for retail managers, retail-facing (key account managers, commercial managers and sales executives) and non-retail facing (brand marketers, category managers, shopper marketers) professionals, public sector officials in the retail sector. By the end of this programme, participants can expect to improve their managerial abilities…
Retail managers Key Account Managers Retail-facing managers Non-retail facing managers Public sector officials in the retail sector
The certificate course for retail practitioners has been assembled for beginners as well as relatively inexperienced retail professionals. Participants will learn career opportunities available to retailers, environment factors affecting retail on the continent, and even basic accounting practices concerning retail. By the end of the programme, participants should be well…
Individuals interested in entering retail Individuals interested in building a career in retail Individuals at the early stage of their retail career
The LBS Certificate Programme for Senior Retail Executives targets retail executives, public sector leaders in the retail sector, supermarket, ecommerce, pharmacy and shopping mall owners, heads and executive members of retail associations, team leaders responsible for determining the direction of the retail business, strategic planning and people development. This gives…
Retail executives Owners of supermarkets and malls Executive members of retail organizations Public sector leaders in the retail sector
Globally, the waste management industry is increasingly moving from a conventional approach to sustainable and innovative ways of managing waste. With this approach, the industry is becoming a lucrative and next revolutionary industry in many countries where millionaires are currently being made. However, in Nigeria, there is a dearth of…
This course is designed for youth within the age bracket of 18 to 40 years who are: Entrepreneurs and employees of waste management companies Employees of waste handling departments in companies, government departments and nonprofit organisations Managers and operators of waste systems Sustainability (E&S/CSR) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)…
The desire to achieve and maintain a positive corporate reputation is high on the agenda of business leaders. This is so given their understanding of the beneficial consequences of this concept. CEOs and c-suite executives understand that a positive corporate reputation is a tool for achieving repeated purchases, meeting sales…
Board Chairmen Chief Executive Officers Executive Directors Independent Non-Executive Directors Chief Financial Officers Chief Marketing Officers General Managers across all functions Directors across all functions Corporate Communication Directors C-Suite executives
In today’s business environment, exceptional employee talent is the driving force behind every successful business. To stay ahead of today’s volatile, unpredictable, and increasingly competitive market, your organisation needs to adapt, change and reinvent itself continuously. It would be best if you had the vision, leadership competencies, alignment, and agility…
We work with a wide range of leading international and local organisations for executive leadership development, including leading oil and gas, financial institutions, consulting firms, universities, professional organisations, FMCG companies and public sector agencies.
This is a high-level customised programme for senior executives in corporate organisations to gain a better understanding of the far-reaching impact of sustainability on business efficiency, and the bargains needed to drive superb business performance. The programme will equip participants with the know-how to integrate sustainability into the fabric of…
Logistics and supply chain management has been described as the planning and coordination of the activities necessary to achieve the desired levels of service at the lowest possible cost. The seminar explores key managerial tasks that should be coordinated and controlled to achieve an efficient and effective logistics and supply…
This programme will benefit: Logistics and supply chain managers, material management managers and those who are relatively new to the profession. Also, the programme will cater to those in public sector logistics.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the world, as we have always known it. Businesses have been forced to go through rapid transformations just to remain afloat. The disruption has forced businesses to go back to asking core questions on why they exist, who they are built to serve, and…
The programme is designed to benefit: Executives that cut across different public and private sector organisations C-level managers and other senior managers involved in strategy formulation and execution
To gain a competitive advantage in today’s talent-driven economy, organisations must build a sustainable talent pipeline and develop early-career high-potential talent into tomorrow’s leaders. The future success of today’s organisations depends on their ability to prepare promising professionals to handle challenges associated with navigating the increasingly complex organizational and market…
Participants should have at least 3 – 5 years experience in roles of increasing responsibility. Individuals identified as possible future leaders Technical experts transitioning to management roles High performing individuals being prepared for demanding developmental assignments New managers taking on leadership responsibilities for the first time. High performing emergent leaders…
Managing and leading the sales force has become a major challenge as Nigeria moves from an allocation economy to a full supply one. In review of the present economic situation, the sales job is a lot more complex and challenging. Changes in buying and selling behaviours will be discussed as…
Brand managers in FMCGs and services Relationship managers, marketing managers and market research managers Business development managers Product or brand managers Regional sales managers Customer relationship/Key account managers. Industry: FMCG, Telecommunications, Banking, Retail
Enron and other local and international corporate scandals, financial collapse and attacks on corporate reputation could have been averted with proactive and best practice legal risk management. Calamitous legal and reputational penalties to companies, directors, and officers, as well as external advisers would never have eventuated. Legal risk is now…
The programme with benefit the following groups: In-house counsel Heads of legal departments Compliance officers and managers Risk officers and managers Senior corporate counsel and advisers Compliance officers Company secretaries
Many organisations, businesses and not-for-profits are facing challenges relating with multi-level governments in an emerging democracy such as Nigeria’s, more-so, given the relative lack of experience in constitutional government and continuity in policies and personnel. There are new legal requirements that now have to be followed, and ethical challenges in…
The programme is designed to benefit the following groups: Government Relations Managers Corporate Affairs Managers Communications Managers Marketing Managers Public Relations Advisers, Managers Heads of NGOs and their government facing officers
If you can borrow, why build or buy? More than ever in today’s climate, where uncertainty, disruptions and accelerating competition bring a need for dynamic organisations, alliances are a smarter, swifter, more reactive and a more economical way to pursue strategic opportunities, maximise inherent synergies and gain competitive advantages. Although…
This programme will benefit: Senior line managers and executives directly involved in running collaborative efforts and making the key decisions surrounding alliances and partnerships Executives involved in cross-company collaborations on a day-to-day basis and who are directly responsible for their outcome are likely to benefit most Board members responsible for…
In today’s complex business environment characterised by pervasive economic uncertainty, organisations are constantly seeking to develop and execute a winning strategy. Most forward-looking organisations, realising that distinctive human resources are critical in orchestrating a winning performance, now place more attention on aligning their human resource function with their strategic business…
This programme is beneficial to line managers, technical specialists and other professionals in private and public sector organisations, who want to enhance the performance of their people.
Family businesses are crucial to the economy, wealth creation, and employment in emerging economies. Despite this, the survival rate of family businesses beyond the founding generation is alarmingly low, with less than 30% of family businesses surviving the second generation and less than 10% surviving to the third generation in…
The programme is designed to benefit the following leaders: Owner managers Spouses and offsprings of founders of family businesses Top management of family businesses Financiers/suppliers of family businesses Professional advisors of family businesses (including consultants, accountants, lawyers, public relation practitioners etc.
The tech ecosystem in Africa is growing fast. Yet Venture Capital funding has slowed as investors return to capital markets that have moved to strong positive yields from the negative yields of the past, which drove capital into tech venture funding. In the past, the seamless availability of investor capital…
Growth Stage to Scaled Tech StartUps who have passed the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage and are Scaling and Consolidating their Business. Specific Target will include: Founders Senior Executives in Tech Startups Venture Capital/ Investment Firms Mid-Level Managers and Business Analysts.
Lagos Business School (LBS) and the Association of Professional Party Organizers and Event Managers of Nigeria (APPOEMN) is pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the Mastering Event Management Programme (MEMP 2). This programme will take place from March 18th to 20th, 2025, at Lagos Business School. As Nigeria’s event…
In 2014, a Boston Consulting Group interview of CEOs worldwide proved that talent management would be the number one business priority in the next 10 years employee engagement was second and was followed by leadership. Details of this survey and how to meet these priorities demand an enhanced role for…
This programme will benefit HR professionals who need to further develop skills required to create the context for superior performance in their organisations Managers and professionals seeking a career in HR, or who need generalist knowledge of the practice of people management.
The Nonprofit Leadership and Management Certificate Programme is a detailed introduction to Nonprofit Management that takes on a highly practical, experiential and interactive approach. Participants will learn through a series of online and in-class faculty-facilitated lectures, guest lectures, case study discussions, and videos. This is to ensure they learn to…
Youth (Ages 18 – 40) who work in the Nonprofit Sector and/or run a Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
The Certificate in Nonprofit Management for Senior Executives is designed to strengthen the leadership, governance, and management capacity of experienced executives working in or with nonprofit organisations. The program equips participants to deal with strategic and high-level challenges and opportunities in their organisations and community. It is designed as a…
Young experienced executives who work in the Nonprofit Sector and/or run a Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). Prospective applicants should have at least 5 years work experience.
The Owner-Manager programme (OMP) is designed for owners/managing directors of medium to large-scale organisations. It is designed to provide business owners with the skills and capacity to develop long-term strategic plans to transform their businesses and drive profitability. Upon completing this executive programme, you will be admitted into the prestigious…
* Founders or business owners/co-owners of companies with at least N200M annual turnover. * Partners in professional firms with at least five professionals. * Experienced professionals in the corporate world who wish to transition to entrepreneurship.
At the heart of every decision is the desire to solve a problem, whether defined in terms of a deficiency or an opportunity. Executives and leaders generally, are made or broken by the decisions / choices they make or fail to make. A World Economic Forum article (2016) on the…
The Problem Solving and Decision Making programme is designed for senior managers / leaders with varying levels of decision-making responsibilities. Participants will generally have considerable work experience in any field and will have come to a point where they realise the need to hone their problem solving and decision-making skills.…
In today’s global and dynamic business environment, the need to quickly deliver on new business initiatives is becoming a critical competitive success factor. Increasingly, organisations are using projects to introduce new products and innovations to the business environment. Hence, effectively managing projects, tight schedules and budget is becoming an important…
This programme will benefit: Project managers and programme coordinators Executives, senior managers, project engineers in telecommunications, IT, and manufacturing firms Managers and executives who are responsible for sponsoring, evaluating or monitoring projects in the service sector (banks, insurance, healthcare, etc.) Partners and senior associates in architectural and engineering firms
Nigeria needs well-designed and competently administered government policies, programmes, and services for the effective functioning of their economy and society. While the politicians decide on the direction and thrust of government action, it is public servants who support them in shaping policy, interpreting policy, and delivering essential services. Nigeria currently…
The Public Sector Leadership Programme is designed for permanent secretaries, chief executives, director general, executive secretaries, or equivalent), who serve as the accountable officers in a ministry, department or agency or as appointed heads of statutory government agencies and parastatals (or are likely to move into such a position within…
The complexity of today’s business environment elevates the critical place of effective communication and good interpersonal relationship in the workplace. In the face of economic uncertainties, a surge in the virtual aspect of business, an increase in the intricacy of expectations of stakeholders and competition styles, relationship management has drastically…
The programme is aimed at: Managers, team leaders and supervisors who want to maximise their positive impact on others through effective interpersonal skills. Team leaders, and middle to senior-level functional managers in private and public sector organisations whose roles require an understanding of people and idiosyncrasies. Experts and specialists who…
Organisations are facing a distorted and rapidly changing marketplace – competitive scenario, customers, socioeconomics. COVID-19 has exacerbated this. Many are approaching the situation with the same traditional transactional selling models, while some are quickly transforming their approach, in both instances, the result has remained mixed and generally underwhelming. This programme…
The programme is designed to benefit: Organisations in products and services industries with a large Sales organisation Mid to top-level Sales professionals in B2C and B2B SME business owners who desire to understand how to build a professional Selling structure. Employees in Sales with high potential for managerial and leadership…
The Senior Management Programme (SMP) offered by Lagos Business School, increases the effectiveness of executives and enhances their strategic thinking capabilities. The SMP is a dynamic programme where a group of business peers from a range of functions, industries and countries share ideas and develop an enlightened perspective on the…
The SMP is a programme specially designed for members of the executive level in organisations: Heads of business units who are responsible for strategic planning within their companies Individuals currently managing teams, departments, or functions Tailored for middle-level managers
The Nigerian sports landscape is replete with immense, yet untapped, business opportunities. There is the need to effectively harvest the enormous potentials in the industry and to also cater to the needs of practitioners, investors and those who need to gain an understanding of sports business. Lagos Business School, in…
The programme is designed for practitioners in the sports business value chain and prospects: Heads and top-level officers of Sports Ministries, Federations, Commissions and Associations Sports Committee Members of National and State Assemblies Entrepreneurs and investors venturing into the sports business Business managers, Sports marketers and media promoters Heads, brand…
In today’s competitive business environment, organisations must build a pipeline of top performers ready to assume managerial positions at short notice. These top performers must be adequately equipped with the business knowledge and skills necessary for such higher responsibilities. The programme aims to impart these general management skills and values…
The programme is designed to benefit three key groups: New Managers Inexperienced Managers Upcoming Managers
In a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world, in which new opportunities and risks intertwine, and the likely outcomes of key decisions highly are more unpredictable and more uncertain, business leaders and managers often struggle to understand how/when to make business and strategic decisions that are not only important for…
Top business executives, senior managers, entrepreneurs, founders, and leaders interested in future-proofing their domains and positioning the organizations they lead for future relevance Key decision makers across levels interested in learning how to identify drivers of the future and use strategic foresight tools for effective and futures-relevant decision making Middle…
Key Account Management (KAM) is an innovative approach used by business-to-business suppliers to manage customer relationships; however, it can end up a massive flop if not effectively implemented. This programme is designed to provide a conceptual framework for implementing a strategic KAM to help build and manage relationships
This programme will benefit: Experienced salespeople charged with growing their company’s largest account, including: Key Account Managers Customer Relationship Managers Sales Executives Business Development Managers
The program is designed to provide experienced managers with strategic, marketing or commercial responsibilities – with new marketing concepts and a framework for winning in tough markets: Boost your strategic thinking about the strategic marketing in an economic recession and understand how to create and capture more value Gain insights…
Strategic Marketing in Action is for mid-level and senior managers with strategic, marketing or commercial responsibilities. Participants generally have at least 10 years of work experience in marketing or other fields in a firm that serves end-consumers, retailers, industrial buyers, governments, NGOs or other stakeholders
Typically, many businesses in Nigeria have always encouraged reactive procurement management which hurts corporate governance and profitability. The consequence of poor procurement management manifests in extensive delay, high cost and abandoned projects. Also, in most sectors of our economy, contract expenditures are in excess of 50% of company revenue and…
This programme will benefit: Procurement/Contracting Managers, Supply chain and administrative managers of banks and public sector companies
HR professionals often find themselves at a crossroads: should they prioritize the well-being of employees or focus on the metrics that drive the bottom line? These two orientations—one emphasizing the ‘human’ aspect and the other focusing on ‘resources’—shape how HR contributes to organizational success. On the one hand, prioritizing employee…
This programme is designed for HR professionals at the middle to senior management cadre in organisations.
The Sustainable Waste Management Business Fellowship programme is designed to equip young business leaders in the waste management sector with the skills to structure their businesses for growth. The goal of this programme is to improve finance and business development practices of young leaders in the waste management sector. The…
Entrepreneurs and Start-up Businesses in Waste Management
The need to rethink the strategic role of the board is more pertinent now than ever. COVID-19, new CAMA 2021, cyber-attacks, declining revenues and profit, inflation, unemployment, migration and many other factors have contributed to the risks businesses face. However, even with the rapidly increasing challenges, the varied interests of…
The programme is designed to benefit: Current and aspiring Executive Directors of private, public and not-for-profit firms Current and aspiring Non-executive Directors and Independent Non-Executive Directors of private, public and not-for-profit firms Directors and Senior Managers of regulatory agencies Directors and Senior Managers of professional associations
An increasingly dynamic world is a world of growing pressure on every organisation and its members. Ironically, more than ever before, it is also a world where organisational members are required to bring in their best selves to the workplace. The gap between the organisation’s expectations of its staff and…
The programme is designed for team leads, middle to senior managers, and anyone that has responsibility for achieving organisational objectives through people.
Many companies struggle to translate strategy into results. They lack the tools to implement strategy in turbulent and emerging markets characterised by uncertainties. This three-day programme introduces a framework that enables participants appreciate the different drivers of execution and how they interact. Before the programme, each participant is to complete…
The programme is designed to benefit managers who are new to implementing strategy, moving into a more challenging implementation role or simply looking for new ideas to try where others have failed. Executives with accountability for outcome and direct control of significant resources (budgets and groups of people), typically general…
To succeed in today’s Nigerian challenging environment; skills, knowledge, tools an unprecedented degree of effective business strategies, innovation, resilience, and agility are required to succeed and maintain continuous growth in a challenging economy. Business leaders must develop the skills and vision needed to succeed in their organizations. Managers must be…
Sales and marketing managers Brand managers in FMCGs and services Channel managers Advertising practitioners Key account/customer relationship managers in FMCGs Telecommunication Banking and retail
Negotiation is a pervasive activity that permeates all spheres of human endeavour. Particularly, within the realms of international relations, labour management relations, international and domestic trade, equipment sourcing, peacemaking with host communities, marketing of organisational products/services and the development of various forms of strategic alliances etc.; negotiation becomes a compulsory…
This programme will benefit Material/Equipment Procurement Officers. Trade Union officers. HR managers that negotiate with unions. Public relations officers that have the responsibility of resolving external organisational conflicts. Lawyers Marketing/Sales personnel. Negotiators with banks. Others that are often engaged in varied forms of negotiation.
Women have become a dominant force in the workplace. Despite different challenges, many are rising to top management positions in the private and public sectors of the economy. Some have successfully broken the glass ceiling and others are aspiring to do so. As leaders, women have the responsibility to drive…
The programme is targeted towards: Women in senior management positions Women in top management positions in medium-sized businesses Professionals, consultants and owner-managers
The Women Leaders Development Programme is uniquely designed for senior executives and entrepreneurs who seek to move to the next level in their chosen careers, ascend the ladder with clarity, mastering dynamics and seizing greater management responsibilities. The Pan-African programme is brought to you by Lagos Business School, PwC Nigeria…
The programme is designed for women executives who: Have 10 or more years of experience Have titles ranging from manager or director to vice president, as well as consultants and business owners Work in a wide range of industries Aspire to more senior levels of management Seek to enhance their…
Conflicts are inevitable in every human relationship. They are a natural feature of human communication that managers often have to deal with among their employees on a daily basis. Conflicts need not be seen as negative; however, if not resolved effectively, they can have devastating effects on employee morale,productivity, and…
The programme is designed to benefit: Human resource managers and line managers Project and team leads Other experienced professionals who find themselves in situations where they have to resolve conflicts among team members and other employees
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